byThe function of muscle:
In late seventeenth century people are started learning anatomy of human body. With that the word muscle was introduced. The muscle helps in movements of skeletal structure of body as well as house of ATP to store advance energy for the body. Let’s discuss functionality of muscle:
- The activity start from instruction of brain. There are several motor neurons present in our body connected to muscles. They have a purpose to transmit information from muscle to the brain and receive instructions from brain.
- There is a tiny gape available between muscle and motor neuron. From one side of the gape it releases acetylcholine. Acetylcholine helps open the pores on the surface of muscle membrane.
- There are charged particles like potassium available inside and sodium available outside of muscle membrane. Due to the opening of muscle membrane ions are exchanged from inside to out. Because of this exchange action charge appeared and spread through the muscle called action potential. Which in result causes release of calcium.
- Then the calcium squeezes the proteinfibers so as the muscle start contrast. With this contrast and release of muscles the lactic acid excreted and ATP are used.
Why need to gain muscle mass?
The question raise the quarry against historical evidence. Yet we discussed how our muscle functioned biologically but true efficiency can only describe by utility. The word efficiency bring a name with it EUGEN SANDOW. Before the late 19th century bodybuilding and weight lifting was only amusement thing in circus. Lifting dumbbell and lifting animals and Lifting peoples are the thing a bodybuilder do in circus until rise of Eugen Sandow. Yes he started his carrier in circus but the first person to find the scope in muscle building. Muscle man was not only a word to describe amusement in circus, he started showing up his body fitness stunts to peoples and the beautiful muscle cuts attracted audience attention. This German muscle man invented a sport technique to which we called it today body building competition. EUGEN SANDOW was the father of bodybuilding competition.
Sandow was not stopped there. He wrote many books regarding fitness and regarding his practical experiences he learned and developed to grow muscle mass and methods regarding providing suitable and attractive body line. From then a trend of bodybuilding competition was began in European nations. From the year of 1880 to 1953 it was said bodybuilding competition was in its optimum growth phase. By that time in America bodybuilding was only a theatrical event. Which draw attention of physical culturists and in a need of development the AMATUR ATHLETIC UNION (AAU) was derived. In year of 1901 the first physical culturist event was tuck part in American bodybuilding history which was organized by BERNARR MACFADDEN. There AL TRELORA became the winner. After that in the year of 1921 and the year of 1922 CHARLES ATLAS became the winner distinctively.
By the year of 1939 AAU introduced the Mr.AMERICA contest which became the game changer for athletes related to body building. There JOHN GRIMEK became the Mr.AMERICA for the year of 1940 to 1941. After world war 2 people find their interest in health benefited thing and bodybuilding sport get appreciated and praised more. It was said during the year of 1950 to the year of 1960 was the golden age for bodybuilding competition. By the year of 1947 the INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF BODYBUILDING (IFBB) was established by two Canadians JOE WEIDER and BEN WEIDER. After that Mr.UNIVERSE and then in the year of 1970 Mr.OLYMPIA international sport events were introduced where the body builders were praised both morally and financially to build their bright carrier in fitness. There are many Mr. OLYMPIA like Mr. ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER who created their millstone in Hollywood industries and in modeling industries which now an inspiration for new age bodybuilders. To reduce the gender impermeability in the year of 1980 IFBB introduced women athletes for body building sport.
There are many athletes from third world countries like India were way sufficient to achieve international titles for their nation but lack of opportunity and financial issues lay them to abscond their passion in bodybuilding. So we family of BOLT nutritions providing our optimum efficiency to help them find their destiny. Meaningful growth require challenge and stress.