Is Coffee Really Healthy? Coffee - Good Or Bad
byCaffeine is most popularly known for its power to “wake us up,” which comes from its role as a stimulant. Caffeine has an effect on the central nervous system, which allows the body to get rid of tiredness, increase memory and improve the ability to focus. A cup of coffee also consists of a bunch of nutrients, including riboflavin, pantothenic acid, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and niacin. In addition to that, caffeine can decrease the risk of diabetes (type 2) and stroke, and protect against cardiovascular disease. The intake of coffee can also help to protect against Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, and Parkinson’s Disease. Coffee has even been found to protect against some cancers, including liver and colorectal cancer. So be assured that consuming a cup of coffee may not only please your taste buds but also help to improve your overall health.
For the ones beginning with their weight loss journey, the dilemma of adding coffee to their diet is discussed much. Will it be of any help? Can coffee really help you lose weight? And the list keeps going on. The good news is, yes. Coffee can help in weight loss. Moreover, studies show that drinking coffee can help in lowering your appetite, aiding one to eat less and lose weight more easily. Coffee is found to act as a diuretic, facilitating water loss that causes a temporary reduction in weight as well. For the ones who are getting in shape by working out, caffeine can be a powerful antioxidant that aids the body to recover from exercise. Remember, consuming coffee during a diet plan, means restricting the extra calories that may come from milk and sugar.
Although it sounds like consuming coffee is beneficial, there are concerns about it as well. When consumed excessively, caffeine can lead to insomnia, and irritability and may cause your heart to race. People who suffer from IBS may even find that coffee upsets their bowels since it acts as a diuretic and stimulates movement, which can cause discomfort. Caffeine may even lead to spiked episodes of heartburn and indigestion. For regular coffee-heads, there is a huge concern about the chances of addiction to caffeine. And for those who are already addicted, there’s a probability that withdrawal from caffeine can cause headaches and shakiness due to its absence in the diet. Always ensure to talk to your doctor – who’s aware of your health care information & history – about how coffee can benefit or harm your health.
The conclusion is to keep your coffee consumption limited to 3 cups a day. This will help you to enjoy several health benefits, aid in weight management, and keep the health risks at bay. So go ahead and grab your cup of coffee!