In addition, bodyweight exercises can also help you train more often since there is less wear and tear on your joints and tendons, adding in an extra bodyweight workout each week could help you
Performing this routine once a week could actually help you improve your core lifts and strengthen muscles that are often overlooked by lifters who focus solely on the barbell, dumbbell, and machine training.
Bodyweight Workout
Single Leg Squat (4 sets of 8 each leg)
This might be one of the toughest bodyweight exercises around, and to be honest most lifters can’t do them at first. However once you master this exercise, you’ll never look back. Your legs will be significantly stronger, and you’ll enjoy the benefits of better balance and a stronger core.
To do a Single Leg Squat, stand on one leg and extend your arms forward at eye height. Then you lower your body all the way down, staying rooted on your grounded foot.
Keep your core engaged and your chest up. Your shin should be leaning forward with the knee over the toes. Keep your non-working leg extended straight out and arms extended. When you reach the bottom position your hamstring and calf of the pressing leg will touch. To complete the rep, stand up.
If you’re a beginner, you can find a railing, sturdy door frame, or other suitably stable object to hold onto. Do the exercise the same, and eventually progress so that you can do this without assistance.