EAA Vs BCAA: Which One is Right For You?
byThere are many different types of amino acids in the human body, and each one has its own unique benefits. So, which one is right for you?
EAA are amino acids that your body cannot produce on its own. Therefore, you must get them from your diet or from supplements. EAA are important for muscle growth, recovery, and overall health.
BCAA are a subgroup of EAA. They are also essential for muscle growth and recovery, but they have an additional benefit of being able to be used for energy during exercise.
So, which one should you take? Read on to learn more about EAA vs BCAA and which one is right for you!
What are EAA and BCAA?
Essential amino acids (EAA) are a group of 9 amino acids that your body cannot produce on its own. This means you need to get them from your diet. Some of the most important and commonly known.
EEAs are: lysine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, histidine, and phenylalanine. Together, these amino acids help promote muscle growth, recovery, and overall health.
Branched chain amino acids (BCAA) are a subgroup of EAA. BCAA are a group of three amino acids. The three are leucine, isoleucine, and valine. BCAA have similar benefits as the other EAA, but they have an additional benefit of being able to be used for energy during exercise.
What is the difference between EAA and BCAA?
The main difference between EAA and BCAA is that the EAA are composed of all 9 essential amino acids and the BCAA contain only the three essential amino acids, leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Because of this difference,
EAA provide a wider range of benefits. For example, all 9 essential amino acids are necessary for the growth and maintenance of all cells in your body.
On the other hand, BCAA are primarily used to help with muscle growth and recovery. Another difference between the two is how they’re used during exercise.
The EAA provide a critical role in the production of energy during exercise, while the BCAA are a source of energy.
Specifically, the BCAA are converted into glucose, which can then be used by the body for energy during exercise.
Which one is right for you?
So which one is right for you? That depends on your goals. If you’re primarily looking to build muscle mass, then the EAA are your best bet. The EAA are necessary for the growth and maintenance of cells, and they will also help you to recover from intense exercise sessions.

On the other hand, if you’re primarily looking to increase your energy levels during exercise, then the BCAA are probably your best option. They are used as a source of energy, and can help to fuel your workouts.
It’s also important to understand that each type of amino acid has its own unique benefits. For example, the EAA are important for general health, while the BCAA are important for muscle growth and recovery. Therefore, it may make sense to supplement with both types if you’re serious about maximizing your performance and health.
The decision of which one to take between EAA and BCAA ultimately depends on your goals. If you’re looking to build muscle mass and improve general health, then the EAA are the best choice. Alternatively, if you’re looking to increase your energy levels during exercise, then BCAA may be the better option. Ultimately, supplementing with both EAA and BCAA is likely the best way to maximize your performance and overall health.